Oh boy recognition. Even if it's from a total faggot, it's always nice.
I recentley stumbled upon the worst goddamn flash series in my life, it honestly tops Ackbar in terms of sheer dogshit, the writing is horrible, the characters ared 2d and bland, and its simply bad. I sent him a friendly hate letter. Thats not uncommon on newgrounds right? You dont like something you express it. This guy doesnt ask why I didnt like his movies, he just calls me, and I quote "You suck and will never make front page. Thank you for continuing to suck donkey dick.". Well, how rude is this? I respond to him exactly why I hate his flash movies, he ignores this and replies
"You know what? I didn't even read any of the bullshit you just said. If you suck so bad at animating then don't take your anger out on me. You think I only animate sprites? You're ignorant and retarded. Go back to doing your mediocre clock pieces of shit movies."
You know what? I didn't even read any of the bullshit you just said.
You're ignorant and retarded.
Well isnt the pot calling the kettle black my good friend.
Since I have enough self respect to defend myself when it is needed, I will do so now
::This is the latest hate mail I've gotten on
LATEST? More like Only you fucking failiure. Noone has the balls to speak up against your shit, Im sure your inbox is just "OMG I LOVE YOU KILIT SAN!!!! ^____^ KEKEKE"
::Newgrounds by some mediocre flash animator.
Although Im not particularly proud of my star boy movies, this is quite honestly the most hippocrital thing ive heard all day. You suck BALLS at flash. There I said it. Meatwad Sprite has more talent than this guy. I wont argue that you think I'm a MEDIOCRE flash animator, which I'm not, I am making drawn movies that are very fbf'd in the coming weeks which I guarentee will make you hard, but honestly, look at your own movies. Gaia Sprites being tweened sure are amazing right guys?
::He's obviously jealous cause I made daily 5th and frontpage on Newgrounds for a few days.
This is just my favorite part. Front page doesnt mean shit, a mod saw your movie would get page views from the weabooo population of newgrounds. WHoopdie-fuckin-doo. The Daily fith is the same thing, except a few 12 year olds from gaia liked your movie. Once again, Whoopdie-fuckin-doo.
::It's not my fault he sticks with shitty clock movies and only has like 3 friends who reviews them.
Its not my fault you have no friends and a few 12 year olds who vote five on your shit. Dipshit
::You are fucking horrible at flash dont ever touch the goddamn program again.
::Love, your pal,
Hey that guys smart
::He sent me a 2nd one but I didn't bother reading his retarded rants. I believe his reasons for hating my flash movies are:
::1. He sucks at animating
Not really. What you've seen, yes, it sucks. Oh boy
::2. He can't get frontpage for his material.
Because my movies are just ripped from the front page right, By the way I loved your Final Fantasy movies they were SO ORIGINAL AND NEVER DONE BEFORE
::3. He hates anime and is ignorant.
Do I hate ALL anime? No, really I enjoy Some anime, for example, I am really looking forward to No more heroes. That's anime, thats good, it has a unique style. What are your movies? THE SAME EXACT FORM OF ANIME DONE OVER AND OVER AND OVER
::4. He's just trying to start shit with other animators.
WHAT? Have you seen ANY other animator besides you even mention me? EVER? No. I just wanted to tell you that I hate your movies and why. Idiot
::5. Clock crew has always sucked on NG and everyone knows it.
Thems fightan words mother fucker
::6. No one watches his movies
If I made my first few movies for this, they wouldnt look like they do now. Have you considered that maybe I make them to entertain my friends and NOT get tons of views and E-penis points unlike yourself? That entertaining my friends and family is more important than that?
::7. No one reviews his movies except his friends.
Thats cool I dont mind. Their reviews are alot better than the ones you get mr "KEKEKE KAWAII GAIA ONLINE MOVIE ROX"
::8. He has no life but to troll around Newgrounds.
I Love newgrounds. Honestly, I really love this website and would only like to see it go further. If you look at my other PM I gave you constructive critisim underneath the anger, but you didnt look at that since you just wanted to make a HATE MAIL LOL THIS IS FUNNY blog post to get your fans to hate me. Who sounds like the troll now?
::9. He thinks all I animate are sprites and have no idea what I'm capable of.
my name is pirateSPRITE. I like sprites you dumb piece of shit
:: (I don't post all my stuff on the web).
Lolicon hentai
::10. He hates sprite movies but he can't animate or edit any kind of sprite, especially ones from Gaia.
Oh animating Gaia Sprites are just SO HARD TO USE, I really feel for the blood and tears it took you to show us your fantastic movies.
::Having that said, I'm out. Thanks for everyone elses' support
::since Gaia Adventures is the 'only' and I repeat... 'only'
Kindly fuck off forever Klik, you fucking failiure
Edit: Beyond this news post I'm fucking done with you you self absorbed prick. I'm not going to start a internet drama pingpong match with you just because you took a hate letter far enough to publicly try to make me look stupid. Go ahead and tell all your circle jerkers how jealous I am of you, really, I dont care anymore.
i really showed him